The Work of Christ for Us: A Dialogue between the Law and the Christian (Machen)

Simply put, the wonderful truth of the gospel is that Christ saves sinners. Sometimes, however, Christians forget that Christ not only suffered and died to pay the penalty for their sins but also obeyed the law perfectly in their place. I like how J. Gresham Machen (d. 1937) discussed this truth in his 1936 radio …

Standing Bewildered in the Presence of Jesus (Machen)

In his address from nearly 100 years ago, "Shall We Defend the Bible," J. Gresham Machen mentioned some people who removed the supernatural aspect from the stories about Jesus in the Gospels. They wanted to delete anything supernatural about Jesus and supposedly find the "real" Jesus without the miraculous aspect. Some people, Machen said, went …

Was Jesus a Christian?

(This is a re-post from October 2014) Funny thing: when we read the phrase, “Jesus was not a Christian,” some might pause and at first be inclined to disagree.  But biblically speaking, it’s true.  Jesus was not a Christian!  J. Gresham Machen explained this quite well around 90 years ago: “According to a very widespread …

J. Gresham Machen: A Biographical Memoir (A Brief Review)

(Today's post is by Elisabeth Bloechl, a friend who is part of the church family I serve as pastor. You can read her blog over at "Who Am I".) This is a time of increasing tension between Christians and secular culture. More and more Christians (and churches) are either paying homage to secular culture or …

A Tolerant Christianity? (Machen)

The talk of religious equity and tolerance and the mantra "all roads lead to God" are ideas that have been around for some time. These are not new ideas. The Christian church still has to deal with this kind of thinking and language today. Speaking of, I really appreciate how J. G. Machen wrote about …