
This blog is pretty simple. It’s about books. We love to read books. We should state up front, however, that while we do find ourselves reading a variety of books (from books about WWII, to Lord Nelson’s Navy, to Dave Barry), this blog is about theological and Biblical studies.

Both of us are graduates from Westminster Seminary in California, and while there, we found a great deal of satisfaction reading and discussing the materials either assigned or alluded to in class. This blog is a venue to continue three years of random discussions about books, but there is one twist – now you all are also invited to join in!

We’ll be approaching the books on this blog from a confessionally Reformed perspective (i.e., we’re Protestant Christians in the Reformed tradition associated with the Three Forms of Unity and the Westminster Standards). We won’t just be reading books by Reformed authors, but every book we discuss will be approached from the Reformed perspective.

So come on in. Join the comment threads. Toss in your 2 cents. Lets keep an amiable atmosphere here in the reading room. Disagreement is fine. Disrespect is not. Enjoy, and feel free to give feedback!


Shane and Andrew



From time to time we receive free books from publishers and bookstores as part of their Blogger Review Programs. We are not required to write positive reviews. The opinions we have expressed are our own. We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Also note that we use affiliate links.  This means that we may receive a small commission for clicks and purchases from the book links we share.  Please let us know if you have questions about this.