The Inexhaustibly Rich Significance of Christ’s Resurrection (Bavinck)

You don't have to read the New Testament very long to realize that Christ's resurrection is a central event in the Bible's story. From the gospels to the epistles, the resurrection of Christ is a major theme. The OT also foreshadows and prophesies about the resurrection. For good reason, people have written entire books explaining …

Why Should Any Soul Despair? (Newton)

One of my favorite things about reading anything by John Newton is his constant amazement at Christ's love for him, a sinner. I also appreciate how Newton always told people something like this: If Christ loves and has saved a terrible sinner like myself, he will surely save you if you go to him in …

Christ Is With His Church – A Monday Meditation on Revelation 2:1

In Revelation 2:1, John recorded the words of Christ to his church. Jesus is depicted as "the one who walks among the seven golden lampstands" (NLT). The lampstands are symbolic of the church (Rev. 1:20). Speaking of, Horatius Bonar gave some helpful comments on this verse. It's a good Monday Meditation. May it be a …

The Richness of Christ’s Person and Work (Bavinck)

If you stop and think about it, the wonderful benefits we have in Christ are beyond our limited understanding. Scripture gives all sorts of benefits Christ's people enjoy now and into the future. For example, believers are justified, reconciled to God, have peace with God, hope of his glory, and the promise of eternal life …

What I Have In Christ (A Monday Meditation by Richard Sibbes)

Here's a good Monday meditation on what we have in Christ - what is ours by faith in Christ. It's from a sermon by Richard Sibbes on the Song of Songs. And let us make use likewise of our infirmities and sins to this purpose, to set a high price on the excellencies of Christ. …