Truth, Epistemology, and Baseball

  Since I like baseball and certain philosophical discussions, I thought this was a good illustration that shows a few different ways people view truth.  (And I'll refrain from explaining how calling strikes is tough because the strike zone is more like a cube than a square.)  Is truth objective, subjective, or a social construction?  Os Guinness illustrates it this way.  …

Truth in a World of Lies, Hype, and Spin

I always enjoy the work of Os Guinness and Time for Truth is no exception.  This is a book about truth: acknowledging it, believing it, standing up for it, and living according to it.  I'll give a few of my favorite quotes. "...Truth is one of the simplest, most precious gifts without which we would …

Trueman On Apathy (If You Care)

This book brings me back around: Carl Trueman's Minority Report. I'm really enjoying it - and that's a big understatement.  Here's a great summary of his chapter (2.1) on apathy.  He gives and explains four reasons why so many people today are apathetic. "First, there is materialistic comfort."  Trueman says that people who have tons of stuff …

God’s Mission: Getting Dirty Hands in a Far Country

I really enjoyed Christianity and the Postmodern Turn when I read it about 5 years ago in seminary.  The book contains six different Christian views of postmodernity.  I learned tons from each chapter, but Kevin Vanhoozer's was closest to my own "postmodern" thinking.  His chapter is called "Pilgrim's Digress: Christian Thinking on and about the Post/Modern Way."  Here's …

The Church in Exile

 Richard Bauckham, in his short but sweet Bible and Mission: Christian Witness in a Postmodern World, says this about the biblical image of God's people as exiles (from pages 80-81). "Its positive significance for mission is its call to the church to be a counter-cultural movement, living for a different God in a different way and with a …