The Authors

Pastor Shane Lems…

…(MDiv, Westminster Seminary California) is the former pastor and church planter of the United Reformed Church in Sunnyside, WA.  He currently is the pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Hammond, WI.   He and his wife have three boys and one girl.  He and his wife are also avid backpackers who would love to backpack the Pacific Crest Trail someday.

Shane has written The Doctrines of Grace: Student Edition and co-edited Planting, Watering, and Growing: Planting Confessionally Reformed Churches in The 20th Century.  You can also find his articles in New HorizonsThe Outlook, Modern Reformation, The Heidelblog, and Ordained Servant, among others.

Rev. R. Andrew Compton

…is Assistant Professor of Old Testament and director of the Masters in Theological Studies (MTS) program at Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, IN. He is minister in the United Reformed Churches of North America (URCNA).

Andrew’s academic specialty is Old Testament studies with particular focus on the book of Ezekiel. At Mid-America Reformed Seminary, he also teaches church education (catechetics) and applied pastoral counseling. He lives in Saint John, IN with his family and is an avid cyclist.  When he is not studying or out cycling himself, he can be found obsessively following professional cycling!

For more, see his profiles on and LinkedIn.