Reading Your Bible: The OT Ceremonies and Sacrifices (Ryle)

Here's a short but helpful insight from J. C. Ryle on reading the ceremonies, festivals, and ordinances in the OT. Remember Ryle's words when you read OT passages in Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy or others that talk about priests, sacrifices, festivals, and feasts: Let it be a rule with us, in the reading of our Bibles, to …

Christ in the OT: An Ancient Hermeneutic

Finding Christ in the Old Testament is an ancient hermeneutic. Modern evangelicals did not discover the fact that Christ is on every page of the OT Scriptures. This interpretive method has been around since the days of the early church when the apostles were still alive preaching and writing. The church fathers also interpreted the …

Paul and the Old Testament Scriptures (Childs)

Here's an interesting book that gives an overview of the interpretation of Isaiah from the early church (Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, etc.) to the modern era: The Struggle to Understand Isaiah as Christian Scripture by Brevard Childs. I'm still making my way through the book, but so far it's been helpful. I don't always agree with …

The Old Testament Use of the Old Testament (A Brief Review)

Last fall I had my eye on this resource: The Old Testament Use of the Old Testament by Gary Schnittjer. I finally broke down and purchased it a month ago. Since then I've had time to read parts of it and look through it in some detail - all 1000+ pages. Below are my brief …

Scripture Says, God Says (Warfield)

One thing that has been in my mind lately is how the NT authors and Christians in the early church viewed the OT. Suffice it to say that since they learned from Jesus, the NT authors and early Christians had a deep and profound respect for the Scripture (the OT). They viewed it as God's …