Luther and Wingren on Vocation

Since I’ve been doing reading on vocation lately, I thought I’d share this great quote by Martin Luther followed by the commentary of Gustaf Wingren.  It has to do with how vocation is related to “love thy neighbor.” “If you are a craftsman you will find the Bible placed in your workshop, in your hands, …


 When I first read through many of Luther's sermons, I was delighted and refreshed to hear the Reformer explain how a person can be a good Christian in and through one's ordinary life stations (parenting, working, being a student, etc.).  It was good for me to learn that a Christian doesn't need to retreat away from …

Barth: Anthropocentric?

A few weeks back, a Barth post of mine led to a good discussion in the comments.  This post is a sort of answer to that using Gustaf Wingren (20th C. Lutheran theologian) and Cornelius Van Til (20th C. Reformed theologian) to speak about one weakness found in Barth's theology.  Basically, both Wingren and Van …