The Mercies of God Work Good for His People (Watson)

All Things for Good (Puritan Paperbacks) Watson, Thomas cover image

“The mercies of God work for good to the godly.” Thomas Watson (d. 1686) made this statement in his book called All Things for Good. Under this statement Watson gave quite a few biblical examples that are edifying and helpful. I’ve put them below in summary form:

  1. The mercies of God humble us (2. Sam. 7:18). Lord, why is it, that notwithstanding all my unworthiness, a fresh tide of mercy comes in every day? The mercies of God make a sinner proud, but a saint humble.
  2. The mercies of God have a melting influence upon the soul. God’s judgments make us fear Him, His mercies make us love Him.
  3. The mercies of God make the heart fruitful. A believer does not do with his mercies as Israel did with their jewels and earrings (make a golden calf), but, as Solomon did with the money thrown into the treasury (build a temple for the Lord).
  4. The mercies of God make the heart thankful (Ps. 116:12-13). A good Christian is not a grave to bury God’s mercies, but a temple to sing His praises.
  5. The mercies of God quicken (enliven). As they are lodestones to love, so they are whetstones to obedience (Ps. 116:9). A soul encompassed with mercy is zealously active in God’s service.
  6. The mercies of God work compassion to others. A Christian feeds the hungry, clothes the naked, and visits the widow and orphan in their distress (cf. Ps. 112:5).

For the entire quote and section, see pages 17-19 of All Things for Good by Thomas Watson.

Shane Lems
Covenant Presbyterian Church (OPC)
Hammond, WI